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The mission of Recycling for Charities is to raise funding for local charities and microfinance for community development overseas through recycling, while promoting recycling and education in our business communities. 

Our efforts encompasses extending the life and reuse of computers and related electronics, and recycling toners, and cell phones, as well as refundable containers, while raising funding to make a difference in a diversity of local charities. The monetary assistance has an ongoing positive impact on individuals and families who need assistance worldwide.

In addition, by drawing attention to the charities we assist, we hope to  bridge connections between local and business communities.

The environmental impact of our free and volunteer services has helped divert hundreds of tons electronics, toners, pcs and refundable beverage containers from the waste stream, and reduce greenhouse gases ordinarily involved in the replacement of computers & beverage containers from precious metals and ore.


Humans in general have a basic instinctual need to help others, to foster that natural sense of humanity, community and solidarity. As globalization brings home the realization that our planet is getting smaller and more fragile every day, we feel ever more compelled to be part of this humanitarian effort.

Concentrating initially on small fund-raisers allows Recycling for Charities to leverage successes in a short time using fewer resources, while fulfilling its mission.  Recycling for Charities donate to a diverse range of nonprofit causes that include:

  • Homelessness
  • Health
  • People with Disabilities
  • Elderly
  • Poverty
  • Community Development
  • Childhood/Adolescent Education
  • Environmental Conservation
  • Animal Welfare
Join us as many have done in promoting recycling in our communities, and helping local charities, by registering on our Make A Difference page.

Recycling for Charities

Recycling saves 95 percent of the energy required to make aluminum from ore.
In 1996, aluminum companies saved the equivalent of over 18.4 million barrels of oil - or 10.8 billion kilowatt hours. This represents enough energy to supply the electrical needs of a city the size of Pittsburgh for about six years.
In 1972, 53 million pounds of aluminum were recycled. Today, we exceed that amount weekly.
Copyright © 2001 Recycling for Charities. All rights reserved. Revised: 07/13/2018